Lavender Dreaming
August 13, 2017
Working as a makeup artist, photographer, stylist etc you end up working at lots of different locations some great some not so great and on the odd occasion you end up working in a location that is simply breathtaking. That is what I thought when I arrived at Mayfield Lavender Farm in Banstead Surrey. I was in awe of the smell, of the rows and rows of that gorgeous purple lavender colour that seemed to go on for miles and miles. We were not the only team that had arranged to shoot in the field that sunny July afternoon.
There were couples having engagement shoots and lots of couples (I’m guessing) having post wedding shoots. If shooting for a magazine the farm is free to enter and park you do however have to pay a fee to shoot but the surroundings and the photos you can achieve from such a beautiful place make it all worthwhile (there will be a few images coming soon).
One thing I would say though is do pack some antihistamines with you! Bees love lavender (I have a few that visit the lavender plant on my balcony daily) and where there are bees there is the potential to be stung as I was half way through the shoot. Thankfully I came prepared for such things. Note to makeup artists always keep a small medical bag in your kit ;)